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Standardizing the Collection of Race, Ethnicity and Language Data

Improvement The Institute of Medicine’ 2009 report, Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data: ... The standardization of patient race, ethnicity and language (R/E/L) data collection is ... order to make all the necessary changes to collect—and use—standardized race, ethnicity and language ...

May 24,2012

Discovering and Filling Gaps

Wed, 2011-09-14 (All day) Before the AF4Q Language Quality Improvement ... language services processes were hardwired, but discovered there were gaps – especially when it came to communicating the patients’ preferred language to clinical staff. In addition to making changes to their ...

Sep 14,2011

Center for Health Care Strategies

health care services.  CHCS facilitates problem-solving exchanges and peer learning among a diverse range of health care stakeholders to improve access, integrate fragmented services, reduce avoidable ... dedicated to improving the health of low-income Americans.  CHCS works with state and federal agencies, ...

May 14,2015

Catalyst for Payment Reform

behalf of large employers and other health care purchasers to catalyze improvements in how we pay for health services and promote higher-value care in the United States. CPR works to accelerate reforms to ... corporation working on behalf of large employers and other health care purchasers to catalyze improvements in ...

May 14,2015

Harnessing Your Organization's Big Data to Improve Outcomes, Reduce Costs, and Improve Service

How could systems improve care by harnessing their big data into an easy-to-use, web-based format that puts actionable information right into hands of physicians? University of Utah Health ... consumers, and to achieve value-driven outcomes.  How could systems improve care by harnessing ...


(Language Services) ... providers. Content details the impact of health care processes when language barriers are not addressed. ...

Aug 01,2011

AF4Q Hospital Initiatives Press Release

and tracking R/E/L data; improving language services for patients with limited English proficiency ... improved their adherence to heart failure care standards. Improving language services for patients ... to improve the efficiency of language services. Results include: • Through AF4Q, 1.5 million ...

Jul 25,2012

service review. Essential Elements of a Practice Coaching ...

Apr 03,2012

The MMC Physician Hospital Organization's Service Agreement (SA) used by the Maine Alliance for negotiating an agreement between the practice coach and a practice. This agreement highlights how the organization works, what can be expected of it as a coach, and what it expects from a ...

Feb 22,2013

Improving Langauge Services: May 2011 Quality Forum

Resources Here.   ...


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