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Turning on Light Bulbs: Project Better Care Works to Improve Primary Care in Memphis

Forces for Quality initiative in Memphis, has taken on the challenge of engaging small health care practices to improve primary care with Project Better Care. Project Better Care is a partnership with the ... primary care providers and their patients to better manage Type 2 diabetes. Partnerships with the two ...

May 09,2013

FAQs - AF4Q Summit

We look forward to seeing you in D.C. on November 13-14 at the 2014 event ALIGN:  A Summit on Increasing Value in Health Care.  If you cannot locate the answer to your question, please email us at . For your convenience, we have grouped questions into the ...

Jul 09,2014

What is the Consumer Engagement Leadership Consortium?

resources to train consumers in health care transformation issues.   The CELC enables consumer ...   As you often hear us say, consumers are at the core of Aligning Forces for Quality. The ... strategies and increased representation of consumer voice at both the Alliance and program (national) ...

Oct 02,2013

Collaboration and Connection: Improving Care Across Settings in Aligning Forces for Quality Communities

significant accomplishments and is recognized for her success in shaping and transforming the Home Care and ... leading the effort with improving and transforming Transitions in Care, a major component of Penn ... Describe key components of The Transitional Care Model (TCM) Explain the evidence-base ...


Paving the Path to Better Health in Humboldt County

do⎯changing the world eight people at a time. It’s a small group, but a small group of people who have had a ... reported $4 for every $1 they spend in health care. Developed by Dr. Kate Lorig of the Stanford Patient ... leadership model. “People are impassioned after the workshops. They see a transformation in themselves ...

Oct 30,2013

SCPA: Challenging Fragmented Care

address the larger issues that repeat visitors face. By enhancing primary care, emergency room overuse will decrease, and along with it, costs. AF4Q SCPA also aims to improve the quality of care and reduce ... percent. The clinics in Pennsylvania vary in the model of care they deliver; some are more like ...

Oct 30,2013

Small Providers, Better Diabetes Care

And at the front lines of care, primary care physicians in Memphis tackle treating patients with diabetes with the help of Project Better Care, a program from Common Table Health Alliance (CTHA), leader ... Dyer, data analyst for CTHA, believes that transformation at the practice level is around the corner. ...

May 07,2014

Building a New Health Care System Around Community

“Because she cared, I cared,” said Wee. “I wanted to serve the community that helped me. I benefited from ... services at the Eastern Area Agency on Aging. Walsh said her organization’s tens of thousands of ... to assist with the efforts. She contributed her agency’s knowledge regarding health care ...

May 09,2013

Composite Measures: A New Gold Standard in Diabetes Care

at least delayed with appropriate monitoring and treatment.   The National Committee for Quality Assurance, a nonprofit dedicated to transforming health care, along with the Robert Wood Johnson ... care is as complex as the disease itself. Many different indicators of health should be monitored on a ...

Feb 28,2014

pioneered the implementation of these types of organizations, and successfully transformed health care ... health care and provide models for national reform. The latest topic in this series focuses on public ... Community Measurement (MNCM) developed a set of measures for diabetes care called the D5 , which illustrates ...

May 18,2015

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