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(Pay for Performance and Incentives) ... pay-for-performance, reviews options and evidence from empirical evaluations and economic theory that may inform future decision-making, and discusses potential effects and unintended consequences. ...

Aug 01,2011

2007 (Pay for Performance and Incentives) ... and HMO products. BCBSM created "Value Partnerships," as a different type of initiative from ...

Aug 01,2011

(dana safran bcbs mass, dana safran bcbs mass) (Care Across Settings, Payment Reform, Pay for Performance and Incentives) ...

Nov 15,2011

Engaging Purchasers, Driving Improvement

Measurement & Reporting, Payment Reform, Pay for Performance and Incentives) ... Alliance had long been reporting physician and hospital performance when the local provider community ... the call by exploring existing health plan performance measurement tools and process, landing fianlly ...

May 23,2012

Primary Care Alchemy: Practice Coaching Turns QI into Dollars

(HIT), Pay for Performance and Incentives, Practice-based Coaching) ... sigh of relief. The practice leaders said, “We really like you, Linda, and we are happy about your baby, especially because it means that you won’t be visiting us for a while and we can get a bit ...

May 23,2012

August | 2013—Moving Beyond "Widgets"

“fee-for-service” structure pays doctors and hospitals for the number of services they perform rather than the ... The way we pay for care impacts the way care is delivered. By paying for appropriate, preventive, and ... paying for appropriate, preventive, and coordinated care, the health of Americans can improve. ...

Aug 05,2013

October 2014 | Payment Reform

health care costs and get greater value for their spending. The current fee-for-service model can encourage unnecessary care, driving up costs as we pay for the volume of care instead of its value. Reforms ... quantity, in the hopes of both improving quality and controlling costs. Aligning Forces for Quality ...

Oct 07,2014

Engaging Employers in Multi-Stakeholder Groups

were a key stakeholder group for AF4Q Alliances, with both the incentive and market leverage to drive ... with health plans and health systems to pay for value instead of volume, and providing employees with ... the incentive and market leverage to drive changes in how care is delivered and paid for and in how ...

May 14,2015

Paying for Health Care: What’s Working Today, and What Does the Future Hold?

other health care purchasers looking to contain health care costs and get greater value for their spending. The current fee-for-service model can encourage unnecessary care, driving up costs as we pay for ... waste and improve quality by changing providers’ incentive structure. At the same time, we need to focus ...

Jun 24,2014

Bailit Health Purchasing

comprehensive performance requirements and aggressive performance management, combined with financial incentives ... performance accountability on behalf of public agencies and private purchasers. Bailit’s mission is to assist organizations achieve measurable improvements in quality and cost management for enrolled or covered ...

May 14,2015

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