9:00am-12:15pm: Leading Change One of the critical strategic leadership challenges faced by senior leaders in all sectors is around managing through change. Great leaders try to both anticipate changes to the business environment and remain flexible enough to pivot to accommodate change that can’t be foreseen. Participants in this three-hour workshop, led by Lynn Fick-Cooper, senior faculty at the Center for Creative Leadership, will explore tips and tools for leading people and organizations through change and transitions.
This three-hour workshop will be repeated.
9:00am-12:15pm: People Planning: Planning for, and Keeping, the Talent You Need to Meet Your Goals
Organizations have long focused on talent management—attracting, retaining, and developing talented employees—to meet goals and drive innovation. In ever-evolving economic times, how do talent management strategies need to change to ensure local success and organizational sustainability? This interactive three-hour workshop, led by expert Denise Cavanaugh of Cavanaugh, Hagan, Pierson & Mintz, Inc., will help participants:
Anticipate future talent needs and establish plans to meet forecasts;
Understand how to cultivate and incite talent to support continued growth; and
Develop an approach to identify and engage talented employees during times of uncertainty or change.
This three-hour workshop will be repeated.
9:00am-10:30am: Taking it to Scale: If? When? How? What are key considerations in determining when and if to scale your work? How do you successfully ramp up and expand your organization? The panelists at this unique session will discuss lessons learned and what worked for them as they built stronger, more effective organizations. Participants will leave with some new ideas and examples of scaling success to inform their Alliance’s evolution.
9:00am-10:30am: The Future of Collaboration: The Power of Collective Impact Working on the line between collaboration and competition to achieve the goals of higher quality and lower cost care can be a balancing act. This session will explore the theory behind collective impact and how it works in practice. The panelists will share stories about how collective impact has enabled change in many social sectors, and how this level of partnership translates into the world of health.
10:45am-12:15pm: The Evolving Role of the Consumer Voice in Transforming Industry Today’s consumers are empowered, connected, and know where to look for information on practically anything. They expect more than ever before, and industries across the world, including health care, are listening.
This panel will feature industries whose business models and engagement strategies have changed based on evolving consumer attitudes, needs, and demands. Hear from experts who not only see the value of empowered consumers but also see them as an integral component of the very services and products they offer. Forging partnerships where none existed before, these companies are embracing empowered consumers and transforming their industries in the process.
10:45am-12:15pm: The Unique Role of Regional Collaboratives in the Evolution from Health Care to Population Health As interest in population health grows, regional collaboratives are well positioned to be leaders of this cultural transformation. Panelists in this session will discuss how they have bridged population health and health care in their communities, with a particular focus on how community integrators’ assets like data and relationships made their programs possible.
1:30pm-3:00pm: How to Give a Killer Presentation
TED talks, Ignite! and Shark Tank-style presentations are increasingly popular—and much shorter than the information you want to get across in your next presentation. In this interactive 90-minute session, learn from presentation expert and speaker coach Denise Graveline about the six things you need to make a killer presentation and what they should replace in your current presentation approach. From content and delivery to how to organize what you want to say and where to start, you’ll learn what to put in, what to leave out, and what to leave behind. You’ll learn the best time-tested method for structuring your message so it’s clear and crisp, as well as how to use this structure for everything from an elevator speech to a full-blown speech or presentation.
This 90-minute workshop will NOT be repeated.
1:30pm-3:00pm: Looking Ahead: Translating Big Data into Better Healthcare The volume of data generated by the health care sector is rapidly growing, and effective use of this “big data” is becoming an increasingly important component of competition and growth. The future of data is less about finding data and more about generating and harnessing information to improve quality, empower purchasers and consumers, and bend the cost curve. Hear from experts both inside and outside health care who will provide an overview of how data will, and already are, impacting health care innovation and transformation, and offer suggestions on how you can use data you already have more creatively.
1:30pm-3:00pm: Measuring Success in Social Media
What are excellent practices in social media strategy, and how do you measure success? This workshop, led by non-profit educator and strategist, John Kenyon, will help you focus on what is important—and useful—to guage the return on your social media efforts. While many social media tools are free, the time to maintain a presence is not, so this workshop is designed to help you focus your time on doing what works. We’ll show real-life metrics and data to provide you with concrete examples. This session is most appropriate for those with an understanding of basic social media tools who want to hone their efforts.
This 90-minute workshop will NOT be repeated.
1:30pm-3:00pm: The Future of Collaboration: The Power of Collective Impact Working on the line between collaboration and competition to achieve the goals of higher quality and lower cost care can be a balancing act. This session will explore the theory behind collective impact and how it works in practice. The panelists will share stories about how collective impact has enabled change in many social sectors, and how this level of partnership translates into the world of health.