National Meeting, November 2012 (San Francisco, CA)

The AF4Q Alliances have made incredible inroads in improving the quality of health and healthcare in their communities. From identifying bright spots to hardwiring a culture of continuous innovation into their daily work, Alliances are working toward long-term sustainability of their efforts while becoming resources others turn to for lessons learned along the way. Spread of lessons relies on story. At the November meeting, AF4Q Alliance teams will be challenged as never before to tell the story of their Alliance, as well as the many chapters that make up that tale. We will address not only the “what” of your story, but the “who” needs to hear it and the “how” you make sure they do. This meeting is targeted at a wide range of stakeholders, so we hope project directors will consider their many Alliance perspectives when inviting attendees to this meeting, as all voices are vital to the story.

Download Storytelling Clinic Materials Here:
The Value of Story - Rick Stone and Shirley Decker from I.D.E.A.S. Orlando
Storytelling Workbook

Download Additional Slides Here:
Making Local and Regional QI Connections Easier Through the National Quality Forum (NQF) Action Registry - Jonathan Grau, Sr. Director and Juliet Feldman, Project Analyst Reverse Mortgage Solutions

View Videos and Read Articles Elizabeth Cohen Presented During the Closing Plenary:
More about Josie King and the storytelling partnership of her mother and Dr. Peter Pronovost, full story here.
How Josh Nahum's parents spread their story and made a difference in honor of their son, full story here.
Dr. Eric de Jonge making house calls for Medicare patients, full story here.
The McManus family and health reform, full story here.


Agenda Update*:

View the full agenda here.