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These resources support the February 25, 2014 webinar which is an overview of what the South Central Pennsylvania (SCPA) AF4Q alliance learned in evaluating its Patient Partner program, and how SCPA is strengthening its program to better support Patient Partners and practice sites. 

Enhancing the Impact of Patient and Family Advisors in Quality Improvement- A Powerful Trifecta: Onboarding Patient Partners, Facilitation Skills Development and Program Evaluation Resources

Published: Feb 2014
Author: IPFCC
This chart can be used in meetings, committees and during planning processes to evaluate each individual's personal experience in the group.
Published: Feb 2014
Author: IPFCC
The Powerpoint presentation for the February 25, 2014 webinar "Enhancing the Impact of Patient and Family Advisors in Quality Improvement- A Powerful Trifecta:  Onboarding Patient Partner...
Published: Feb 2014
Author: IPFCC
This document discusses the role of an advisor on quality improvement and safety teams.  It lists the benefits of working with advisors, suggestions from those who have done it before and stra...
Published: Feb 2014
Author: AF4Q SCPA
This document provides assistance for recruiting Patient Partners, including characteristics to look for and interview questions to ask.