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May (Consumer Engagement) ...

May 12,2015

2011 (Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Dec 13,2011

(Ambulatory Care, Consumer Engagement) ...

Feb 21,2014

The US Department of Health and Human Services has posted  Health Text Messaging Recommendations to the Secretary  from the Text4Health Task Force regarding the potential role of text messaging in healthcare and consumer engagement.  The full set of recommendations can be read ...

Sep 19,2011

Business Development/Developing Sustainable Models

Future ( presentation summary ) Consumer Engagement ROI—Articulating the Value of CE:  ( presentation ) Consumer Engagement ROI—Developing Your Model  ( presentation ) Consumer Engagement ROI— Finalizing Your Model ( presentation ) Consumer Engagement ROI—Final ...

Mar 12,2014

The June 5, 2014 CELC meeting gave an overview of the key storytelling elements from the National Meeting, reviewed the National Meeting evaluations, and tips for staying connected after the meeting.  Consumer Engagement Leadership ...

Jun 02,2014

Presentation This presentation articulates the value of consumer engagement by discussing the following topics: return on investment (ROI), the different methods of articulating value, key elements of analysis, ...

Sep 04,2013

Representation, Roles, and Responsibilities

frameworks that outline effective opportunities for engagement depending on a given consumer’s level of ... framework published in 2013 outlines levels of consumer engagement and related considerations. Build ... “We’re all health care consumers” is true, but not enough; stakeholder definitions are ...

May 14,2015

(Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... and other practice facilitators; assessed practice readiness to engage patients and families; explained how to engage leadership sponsorship and buy-in; highlighted tools and strategies for practice ...

Aug 14,2013

(Consumer Engagement) ... fundamental objectives that lead to better care. All stakeholders, including consumers, health plans, ... meet the needs of the AF4Q communities. A diverse set of committed partners, including robust consumer ...

May 21,2012

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