Measurement & Reporting

60% - The number of patients in Puget Sound who now are screened for colon cancer. The screening rate for colon cancer has improved more dramatically. The regional rate for the commercially insured population went from 39 percent in 2008 to more than 60 percent in 2012.
Transparency in health care quality is a core principle of Aligning Forces. Teams in AF4Q communities have improved the quality of information about physicians' performance and are ensuring the public has access to that information, so consumers can make informed choices about their care; so doctors and hospitals can identify areas for improvement, track progress, and see how they compare to others; and so consumers and purchasers can determine the value they are getting.
More public reports from RWJF’s National Directory, by state.
Meet Helen & Bob! Helen & Bob are avatars that help people in Wisconsin use the public report to make more informed decisions and find the right care.