Consumer Engagement

John Gallagher of the Washington Alliance owns a bed and breakfast, and, according to him, “it’s all about the breakfast.” Three things go into both a great breakfast, and, surprisingly, a consumer engagement campaign: 1) testing everything first; 2) serving it in courses; and 3) making it really enjoyable. First, make sure you’ve tested everything, from recipes to messaging, before putting them out there. Secondly, at the B&B, John serves dishes in courses so they’re memorable; the same can be said for consumer messaging campaigns. Gallagher recommends...

As she sat in the car with her teenage son while he was first learning to drive, Jessica Osborne-Stafsnes felt a familiar mix of excitement and trepidation, much like when Humboldt first embarked upon patient engagement activities. Humboldt tried to go from “zero to sixty” with its patient engagement. “Enthusiasm does not equate to readiness. We tried to scale up our patient engagement activities in an unsustainable way,” she said. Fortunately, Humboldt learned from its mistakes. The Humboldt Alliance took those lessons and created a roadmap to support patient...

More than 7 million children live with asthma in the United States. As a school nurse, Lizzie Cockrell has seen children struggle to control their asthma symptoms. One of her students, Judy, darkened the doorstep of the health room often.  “Recess, PE, health—she was spending those times with me in the health room,” said Cockrell. Looking for answers and help, Cockrell remembered the Asthma Ready Program and used its tools and guidelines to coordinate among Judy’s family and her doctor to assess control of her asthma. Judy’s story is one that “...

Kansas City health leaders are working together to tackle high pediatric asthma rates by building solutions to better identify and treat the condition. By working closely with children and their families, physicians, nurses and community partners have been able to reduce the severity of asthma for children in a unique pilot program.
These efforts are led by the Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium, one of RWJF’s Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) communities, which has brought together providers, researchers and patients to improve the way...
Health care leaders in South Central Pennsylvania are turning patients into partners in their own care, taking them behind the scenes at local medical practices to get their insights on how to create a better health care system. Participating patients report higher levels of “activation” than other practices, while medical practices are getting unique feedback into how to improve the way they deliver care. These efforts are led by AF4Q-SCPA, one of RWJF’s Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) communities, which has brought together providers, patients, employers and...

Quality Field Notes features key lessons learned by regional Alliances of clinicians, patients, and payers in Aligning Forces for Quality communities as they work to transform local health care and provide models for national reform. The latest topic in this series focuses on patient experience. Patient experience surveys, particularly those that use validated questions such as the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare...

Looking for a new doctor? If you live in Massachusetts, it’s easier than ever with The new consumer-friendly website makes it simple for patients and their families to compare and select a primary care doctor’s office based on quality and patient experience survey ratings. By empowering health care consumers with transparent information about providers, patients are better able to make important decisions about their own care.

In February 2014, the Washington Health Alliance released the results of its second patient experience survey, which measures patients’ experiences with local primary care providers. Known as Your Voice Matters, this initiative offers important insights to understanding the quality of care in the region. The Alliance is the only organization in Washington State to have systematically asked patients about their primary care experience and made comparable results publicly available.
Patient experience refers to what happens to...
Time and again, the Kansas City, MO, community has proven it cares about asthma control. To help the more than 150,000 children diagnosed with the disease in its region, the Greater Kansas City area Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) initiative, led by the Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium (KCQIC), helped facilitate Kansas City Teams Up for Asthma Control (KC TUAC). KC TUAC builds on the Asthma Ready® Program (ARP) in cooperation with the University of Missouri at Columbia and the Missouri School Boards’ Association.
Patients without the skills to manage their health care incur costs up to 21 percent higher than those of patients who are highly engaged in their care, according to recent research published in Health Affairs. Patient engagement begins with giving patients the tools they need; at its most advanced, it also can mean that patients work directly with providers to provide feedback and strive to improve quality.
Patient Partners is an advanced form of consumer engagement where patients volunteer to join their ambulatory care...