Engaging Consumers in their Health
How did AF4Q Alliances engage consumers to manage their own health and take active roles in the health care they receive? Effective consumer engagement builds and supports consumers’ capacity to manage their health and health conditions. By offering a range of programs and resources, communities can help consumers not only manage their conditions, but also understand, demand, and choose high-quality health care. Alliances’ collective experience provides some insight into the factors that contribute to consumers’ involvement in their own health care or in managing their own conditions. AF4Q offers a depth of lessons learned on patient experience, from developing a successful strategy to tailoring to partnering with community connectors.

This issue brief, and related resources, presents key lessons about what’s working to improve the quality and value of health care by engaging patients.
This flowchart provides a multidimensional framework for patient and family engagement in health and health care.
This chart describes the progressive levels of patient engagement used by one of the AF4Q Alliances.