An expert panel, moderated by Jay Want, MD, explored ways to make the best use of investments in data analytics and discussed products and services stakeholders might see value in and buy.
Phil Kalin at the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), which administers and all-payer database, reminded the audience, “Data are commodities. Focus on insight.” Organizations need to build capabilities to provide clients with business intelligence, so they need to take data and bridge that into technology and innovation. CIVHC wants consumers and policy makers to be able to get information on the provider level to determine actual costs. Its pricing model ranges from commercial vendor prices to discounts for smaller nonprofits.
Annette DuBard of Community Care of North Carolina said that her organization is developing a shared utility to be used by all providers and facilities in the area. They make the data available to users in many ways, including portals for providers and others. With a sophisticated pharmacy app and intelligent medication management, the utility is coordinated across points of care and can detect discrepancies. Users receive real time and administrative data they can carefully analyze to, for example, help reduce readmissions. This is accomplished in three steps: 1) the data show high utilizers across hospital EDs, 2) staff can interpret data, and 3) staff can learn from the data how to address the specific problems.
Speakers |
Annette DuBard is the senior vice president for informatics and evaluation for Community Care of North Carolina. She graduated from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and completed family medicine training at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (UNC).
Anupam Goel is a board-certified general internist. Since 2007, he has served as an associate medical director at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center (UC San Diego).
Phil Kalin is the president/CEO of the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC). CIVHC is a nonprofit organization created to advance statewide initiatives to improve Colorado’s health care quality and contain costs.
Bonnie Paris is the program development manager responsible for planning, implementing, and leading Quest’s quality improvement program, grant procurement, product development, and strategic projects.
Jay Want is the owner and principal of Want Healthcare LLC. He consults for a wide variety of clients, including the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Read more on speakers HERE. |
@Bgavio: @Philkalin: Data is a commodity that everyone has; what you want to provide is "insight" #AF4Q
@AndreaDucas: Tweeting from the value through data #AF4Q session. First gem from Want: the world is drowning in info: what we need is knowledge.
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