In Massachusetts, increasing provider dissatisfaction was exacerbating an already critical primary care workforce shortage operating in the context of the state’s universal coverage mandate. The problem is even more pronounced in community health clinics (CHCs) that are committed to delivering primary care to a low-income, vulnerable population in a fee-for-service system. These CHCs are also under pressure to provide coordinated care with limited resources for populations with complex social, behavioral, and economic issues.
The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (MLCHC) is the state’s primary care association, a network of both federally qualified and hospital licensed CHCs located throughout the state. The MLCHC is a co-executive sponsor of the Commonwealth Foundation-Qualis Safety Net Medical Home national demonstration (SNMHI) in the state. There are 14 practice sites actively working in SNMHI towards medical home practice transformation and NCQA patient-centered medical home (PCMH) certification.
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