HealthBridge is recognized as one of the nation’s largest, most advanced and most financially sustainable health information exchanges (HIE). It is also a partner of the Cincinnati AF4Q Alliance, as well as a 2010 recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation HIT Development Fund grant. In addition, HealthBridge is an organizational lead for Greater Cincinnati’s Beacon Community grant from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
In this webinar, hosted by the HIT Resource Center for AF4Q, members of the HealthBridge team presented the results of its HIT Development Fund grant work, which assisted local providers with integrating practice management system, electronic health record and HIE data with a disease registry. The goal of this work was to support practices in using health IT to do clinically-based performance measurement for AF4Q and to have a practice-based technology customized for improving the practices’ quality of care for diabetes.
Speakers addressed the opportunities and challenges of using electronic data for clinical quality reporting and performance measurement and the key success factors for leveraging clinical information systems. Presented on January 18, 2012.