Regional Equity Action Agenda 2.0
The Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation is partnering with the Coalition for a Livable Future (CLF) to develop the Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 and accompanying Action Agenda. This AF4Q MATCH initiative will lead multiple partners to map the intersection of chronic disease prevalence data and data on the social, economic, and physical determinants of health for the Portland metro region. The Regional Equity Atlas 2.0 will be a powerful tool for analyzing and addressing the connections between the physical environment, health behaviors, and health outcomes. CLF and partner community-based organizations will use the Atlas to shape public policies, land use and transportation plans, community development projects, and investment decisions. Deliverables include the Regional Equity Atlas itself, as well as training, outreach and community organizing to use the Atlas to promote physical activity and transit use, inform policymakers on the importance of social, economic and physical determinants of health, and incorporate health equity into climate change action plans.