Will I Be Able to Hold My Newborn Daughter?

02 Dec 2014

During the summer of 2013, Nathan Hunkins had reached a pinnacle in his life. He had a great job, his wife was almost nine months pregnant, and they had just closed on their first house. As Hunkins was packing to move, he missed the bottom stair, lunged forward, and put his right hand through a glass window. After more than six hours of surgery, he woke up and asked his surgeon what happened. His surgeon delivered the good and bad news—the surgeons made a full repair, but such injuries can result in limited functionality. Hunkins lost it emotionally, a scene that repeated at subsequent visits. Before the accident, Hunkins knew patient experience was important, but his experience truly drove it home.

Nathan Hunkins is a manager, business & systems development, with MN Community Measurement.
