Aligning Forces for Quality is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to lift the overall quality of care in 16 targeted communities. For six years, Aligning Forces communities have worked with local health care stakeholders—the people who give, get and pay for care—to improve their health system. On a webinar on Monday, September 24, local leaders and national experts will explain how different communities are making fundamental changes to enhance care.

Speakers will discuss how communities are using data to measure and report on the performance of local doctors; measurably improving the quality of care delivered; engaging patients in their health care; and exploring ways to pay health care providers based on quality of care.

Aligning Forces for Quality is featured in the September issue of The American Journal of Managed Care.


Anne Weiss, MPP, director, Quality/Equality team; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Dennis P. Scanlon, PhD, professor; Pennsylvania State University
Randall Cebul, MD, director; Better Health Greater Cleveland
Lisa Letourneau, MD, MPH, executive director; Maine Quality Counts
Betsy Stapleton, Aligning Forces Humboldt County, Calif.
Karen Timberlake, JD, director; Partnership for Healthcare Payment Reform (Wis.)
John R. Lumpkin, MD, MPH, senior vice president and director, Health Care Group; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation