This presentation, delivered during a webinar hosted on December 9, 2011, by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation offers valuable insight from health care purchasers, including public- and private-sector employers and unions, about how to drive higher-value health care for your workforce. Drawing on lessons learned by alliances and purchasers operating in Aligning Forces for Quality communities in Puget Sound, Wash., Cincinnati and Maine, presentation was designed for employers and alliances looking for both near-term and long-term steps to drive their own value-based purchasing strategies, including using quality and cost data. Panelists discussed how to educate employees about the importance of quality and cost.
Anne Weiss, MPP, team director, Quality/Equality, and a senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will moderated the discussion.
Participants Included:
Anna Fallieras, Program Leader of Health Care Initiatives and Policy, General Electric
Elizabeth Mitchell, CEO, Maine Health Management Coalition
Charissa Raynor, Executive Director, SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership and Health Benefits Trust