Designing Meaningful Evaluations of Complex Health Care Improvement Initiatives Breakfast Session
The Aligning Forces for Quality evaluation has evolved over the years in response to the changing landscape of health policy, as well as the changing priorities of the program. Evaluators were challenged with creating a design that maintained both integrity for the initial objectives of the program and adaptability to change over time.
Dennis Scanlon, principal investigator, Pennsylvania State University, introduced the key aspects of the AF4Q evaluation design and discuss some of the challenges and successes. Panelists reflect on the AF4Q evaluation as well as their own approach to complex program evaluations. A Health Affairs panelist shares insights on what they look for when reporting on evaluations of large-scale health care improvement efforts like these.

The evaluation breakfast session kicks off with Dennis Scanlon welcoming the crowd.
A #healthdoer is on the ground forging local solutions to the health crisis @RegHealthImp #AF4Q #hcvalue
The Collaborative Health Network breakfast is beginning! @RegHealthImp #healthdoers #AF4Q #hcvalue