Building a Culture of (High-Value) Health
The special closing session of the ALIGN Summit featured RWJF President and CEO Risa Lavizzo-Mourey sharing her own views on how lessons from AF4Q can further national and local efforts to improve the quality and value of U.S. health care and shape Foundation efforts to create a nationwide Culture of Health.

"You've got to willing to test things. You've got to be able to move in increments and bring people along the way." @Risalavizzo #hcvalue
"New Mexico will never be the same as a result of this investment. Thank you @RWJF for that." Pat Montoya at the #cultureofhealth #hcvalue
"We're going to scale up and spread our lessons learned to other communities." @AF4Q_Humboldt to @Risalavizzo #cultureofhealth #hcvalue