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(Ambulatory Care, Consumer Engagement) ...

Feb 21,2014

Feb (Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency) ...

Feb 24,2014

patients, consumers, providers, and local AF4Q communities in enhancing patient engagement and quality ... (Consumer Engagement, Health Information Technology (HIT)) ... records (PHRs) and web portals, holds the promise of engaging patients in their own health care with the ...

Jul 18,2012

How do I get patients involved in improving care at my medical practice/group?

Lessons Learned: Engaging Consumers to Improve Ambulatory Care (Ambulatory Care, Provider - Consumer Engagement) ... person, via letter, and through a newspaper advertisement . Among many other things, consumers have ...

Oct 02,2013

How do I get patients involved in my efforts?

Consumers and Ambulatory Care Patient Engagement Compendium (Ambulatory Care, Provider - Consumer Engagement) ... through a newspaper advertisement . Among many other things, consumers have provided feedback to improve ...

Oct 02,2013

Labor-Management Groups Drive Delivery System Redesign

Consumer Engagement Cost & Efficiency ...   (Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Payment Reform, Communications) ...

May 23,2012

What are best practices for using visual elements on public reporting websites?

Organization - Consumer Engagement) ...   We asked consumers to test eight Alliances’ public reporting websites . Here is what we ... individuals).  • Engage visitors with images of people involved in healthy behaviors, such as walking a ...

Oct 02,2013

CELC Open Discussion Call

by Poppy Arford, AF4Q Consumer Advocate from the Maine Alliance, and will discuss how to sustain and expand on our AF4Q community consumer engagement working on all ... how to sustain and expand on our AF4Q community consumer engagement working on all levels. ...


How do we attract employers to partner with us to improve health care quality?

showcase what you offer in the way of public reporting, consumer education and engagement, and quality and ... Employers in Health Care (Community Organization - Consumer Engagement) ... . What’s in it for employers? They want to know—in quantifiable terms—how engaging in quality care ...

Oct 02,2013

(Consumer Engagement) ...

Nov 11,2013

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