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Consumer Engagement through this Bright Spot brief.   ... Settings, Consumer Engagement) ...

Nov 14,2011

Oct (Ambulatory Care, Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, ... efforts to improve the return on our health care dollars largely rests on how well consumers are able to ...

Jan 30,2013

(Consumer Engagement) ... AF4Q Alliances produce reports for consumers with comparative information on the quality of care. Some ... efficiency.” Alliances are educating consumers about resource use or health care efficiency in two ways: 1) by ...

Jan 20,2015

(Consumer Engagement) ... Consumer Pre-Meeting Agenda for the November, 2011 National Meeting. Consumer Pre-Meeting - Collection - November, 2011 National Meeting ...

Nov 17,2011

What are the differences and similarities between consumer advocates and individual consumers?

Consumer Representation (Ambulatory Care, Consumer - Consumer Engagement) ...   Alliances need the different qualities of individual consumers and consumer advocates to improve health care quality in their communities.    Individual Consumers   ...

Oct 02,2013

(Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

(Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

May (Consumer Engagement) ... This document is the National Meeting Engagement Tool, an idea conceived by the ...  It was used first at the May 2013 National Meeting to help consumers (and other interested parties) ...

May 30,2013

(Consumer Engagement) ... How-to Tools and strategies consumers participating in Alliance leadership can use to make a difference in their ...

Aug 01,2011

-None- (Consumer Engagement) ...

Aug 01,2011

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