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Ambulatory care practice: Providers (e.g. Physicians, PA, NP) Ambulatory care practice: Nurse/Nurse Managers, Medical Assistants Ambulatory care ...

Sep 17,2011

April | 2013

patients in improving ambulatory care improves provider-patient communication, identifies and avoids ... Engaging Consumers to Improve Ambulatory Care ... Central Pennsylvania</a>, who are each engaging consumers to improve ambulatory care. While each ...

Apr 01,2013

Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care

The Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC) provides essential leadership to advance the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care.  IPFCC facilitates patient- and family-centered change in all settings where individuals and families receive care and support ...

May 14,2015

(Ambulatory Care, Patient-Centered Care) ...

May 06,2013

(Ambulatory Care, Patient-Centered Care) ...

May 06,2013

(Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Feb 27,2013

January 2014 | Practice Coaching

Today's edition of Spotlight showcases how practice coaching can help improve ambulatory care. Practice Coaches Light the Way Primary care is at a crossroads. Practices are ... Spotlight  showcases how practice coaching can help improve ambulatory care ...

Jan 22,2014

(Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... Ambulatory Quality Improvement Practice Coaching - Phase II ...

Apr 20,2012

(Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... Ambulatory Quality Improvement Practice Coaching - Phase II ...

Apr 20,2012

2012 (Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... Ambulatory Quality Improvement Practice Coaching - Phase II ...

Jun 13,2012

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