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Puget Sound Health Alliance Leaps into 2013

are opportunities to improve. The findings offer a community-wide scan of the progress primary care ...   Highlights of the results include:   Medical groups substantially improved in the ability to capture patients’ preferred language, race, and ethnicity data. Care ...

Jan 17,2013

Sustaining AF4Q Efforts

developed capacity to create a line of business around the provision of quality improvement services to ... work that is required to sustain these activities. Although all Alliances worked to improve the ... polarized communities. Others have robust quality improvement programs in ambulatory or hospital settings. ...

May 14,2015

Promoting Innovation In Adolescent Health Care Through The Patient-Centered Medical Home

a group with unique health needs, service use patterns, and care experiences. This webinar will help ... regarding the importance of primary care, and new  recommendations for improving the effectiveness of a ... population is adolescents (ages 12 to 21); a group with unique health needs, service use patterns, and care ...


Population-Based Approaches to Care Management

from Health Quality Partners and Geisinger Health Plan show that patient-centered care can improve health outcomes, particularly for high-risk populations who are the highest utilizers of health services ... can improve health outcomes, particularly for high-risk populations who are the highest utilizers of ...


Medicare Goes Local with Doctor Data

Wed, 2012-11-28 (All day) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ... The three organizations selected are: Health Improvement Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati, Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium, and the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation.   ...

Nov 28,2012

WCHQ Hosts Patient Experience Summit

experience, and learning from service champions from outside of health care.  The Summit genereated great feedback, that provides useful suggestions for future Summit topcs including: improving patient-clinician communication, engaging patients in their own care, improving nurse communication and pain management, and ...

Nov 18,2011

Redesigning Primary Care Helps Fill Critical Gaps

managers connect these patients with community services and resources, and help them navigate their journey ... in West Michigan, designed to improve care for this vulnerable population.  See how care managers are improving primary care, one patient at a time.   (Ambulatory Care, ...

Jun 27,2014

Rewarding Doctors for Better Care and Outcomes

to improve outcomes . In this pilot, primary care practices may receive an additional monthly fee per patient to support work that normally does not get reimbursed in a fee-for-service payment model, ... admissions while maintaining or improving quality care in a number of areas such as care for chronic ...

Sep 02,2011

Engaging Employers in Changing Health Care

and other key stakeholders, are finding creative ways to improve the state’s delivery system while ... payments are tied to the value, and not the volume, of the services delivered. These efforts are led by the ... communities, which has brought together providers, patients, employers and insurers to help improve regional ...

Nov 18,2014

Detroit Working To Reduce Health Care Disparities

improve the care that we deliver to people,” said Dr. Chin. “Health care organizations and insurers are starting to collect race-ethnicity-language data. People expect that over time it’ll be used for public ...

Feb 26,2014

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