Aligning for Value
When it comes to transforming health care, the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts. AF4Q Alliances have brought together those who give care, get care, and pay for care to demonstrate that when communities align individuals, organizations, quality measures, and resources through multi-stakeholder collaborations, they can generate measurable improvements in the quality and value of local health care. This session highlighted lessons from AF4Q Alliances in Cincinnati, Minnesota, and West Michigan. The panelists shared insights, breakthroughs, and challenges that came their way as they worked to combine individual and group efforts to push their Alliances toward a high-value health care system.

Corey Waller of @SpectrumHealth shares the truth on decreasing utilization "we have to own this problem" #AF4Q #hcvalue
.@brucejapsen explores how @WCHQ pioneered the value of health care delivery through payment reform #AF4Q #hcvalue
Corey Waller of @SpectrumHealth shares the value in "building a narrative and ask the ask." #AF4Q #hcvalue