Measurement & Reporting

In Jan 2013 there was a report in the NEJM about aspirin prophylaxis in ischemic vascular disease to prevent heart attacks and strokes.(1) The data came from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey of the CDC. Patients seeing cardiologists were prescribed aspirin 46.9% of the time. Patients seeing primary care were prescribed aspirin 34.8% of the time.

These results made me wonder what the rate is in Minnesota, so, I asked Jim Chase at Minnesota Community Measurement (MNCM) what their data was showing. MNCM publicly...

Better Health Greater Cleveland was recently featured in Family Practice News.

Better Health Greater Cleveland reduced hospitalizations for patients with diabetes, hypertension, angina, or heart failure by 10% over a three year period by improving the robustness of primary care in the region. This reduction in hospitalizations has saved an estimated $20 million in health care costs. Cuyahoga County experienced 2,624 fewer hospital stays than expected based on trends in other Ohio counties. 
Strategies to reduce hospitalizations...

A team of researchers led by Dr. Geoffrey Lamb, MD, professor of internal medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, published their findings on the efficacy of public reporting of quality-of-care measures in the March 2013 edition of Health Affairs. The researchers analyzed 14 publicly reported quality-of-care measures from 2004 to 2009 from the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ), leader of the AF4Q initiative in Wisconsin. The team examined data from seventeen physician groups, which represented 409 clinics. Dr. Lamb’s team found that physician groups in the...

Finding information about the quality of the health care offered in your community is hard. Aligning Forces for Quality communities are blazing new trails, making this information more readily available and easier to understand in publicly available reports. These reports help physicians and hospitals identify areas for improvement, guide consumers’ decisions in choosing high-quality providers, and offer employers and insurers objective information on the quality of care being delivered. Three AF4Q communities—Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Minnesota—worked with ...

October’s issue of Consumer Reports included a special insert of Consumer Reports Health which featured the great measurement and reporting work at MN Community Measurement (MNCM). Covering 552 Minnesota physician group practices, the project studied patient results in cardiovascular disease and diabetes, two of the deadliest chronic diseases. 

Physician groups were scored on the percentage of patients who achieve all of the targets for the best management of each condition. For cardiovascular disease, that required appropriate blood pressure , level of...

The Puget Sound Health Alliance (PSHA), a member of Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q), has opened the New Year with a series of exciting events including the unveiling of its new public reporting website and the release of its second comprehensive medical group survey.

With a format focused on user-friendly access, the Alliance’s newly redesigned Community Checkup website successfully presents its trustworthy information on quality care in the state of Washington. The site encourages people to take a more active role in their health by promoting steps for consumers to...

“If we knew then what we know now...”

It’s the mantra of frustrated health professionals the world over who crave real-time, actionable data that leads to meaningful improvement in the delivery of patient care.
Determined to provide meaningful information and advance the quality and affordability of health care in its state, the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation (Quality Corp) supported the implementation of the Oregon Health Leadership Council’s (OHLC) High-Value Patient-Centered Care Model (HVPCCM) demonstration. As...

In the past, physicians in the Kansas City area didn’t have an easy way to validate the accuracy of the data from their electronic medical record (EMR) systems. The Kansas

City Quality Improvement Consortium (KCQIC), which leads the greater Kansas City area’s AF4Q initiative, believed if the physicians in their community could verify their EMR data, they could identify gaps in care and improve patient outcomes.
“When health care providers have good, accurate data, they’re able to move forward with quality improvements with...

Publishing information about how patients experience the care they receive at their doctor’s office is one way to increase physician accountability and drive public awareness about health care quality. That was what Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) had in mind when it participated in a pilot project with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports. The result? In June 2012, Consumer Reports published its first patient experience ratings for nearly 500 primary care physician practices in Massachusetts, expanding the reach of this...

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) this week announced the first three participants in a program designed to bolster the availability of information about local doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers.

All three participants in the new Medicare Data Sharing for Performance Measurement program also participate in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s signature quality effort, Aligning Forces for Quality, and provide public reports on the quality of health care in their community, based on private insurance claims. The new Medicare program...