Best of 2013—Special Edition
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Best of 2013

Aligning Forces for Quality communities prove that when the people who get care, give care, and pay for care work together, they can improve health care in America. 

Today's Special Edition of Spotlight shares's most popular articles and resources from 2013. From stories of success to tips to get started, AF4Q has the tools and resources you need to make a difference in your community.

Join us as we continue to transform the way health care is delivered, recieved, and paid for in 2014. 

Lessons Learned: Engaging Consumers to Improve Ambulatory Care

Around the country, a handful of bold and innovative Aligning Forces for Quality communities are making great strides in engaging patients and consumer advocates as advisers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives in ambulatory care. By embedding the patient’s voice and perspective across the continuum of quality improvement, Aligning Forces for Quality communities are transforming the future of ambulatory care.

The following consumer engagement programs demonstrate outcomes that include reduced length of stay, fewer fatal safety errors, better identification of “near misses,” and improved population health through achieving higher rates of preventive care. In Humboldt County, CA, the Primary Care Renewal Program is supporting practices making the transition to patient-centered medical homes, providing a valuable patient perspective. In Oregon, the Patients and Families as Leaders Program works with medical groups and a health plan to help them collaborate with patient and family advisors to improve quality. And in Minnesota, the Palliative Care Shared Decision-Making Committee encourages open conversations between patients and physicians on the important topic of palliative care. Learn more here.

Other Popular Resources:

Coordinated Care, Improves Care and Saves Resources

Interested in reducing health care costs and the number of emergency department (ED) visits while enhancing your patients’ experience? Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) Humboldt County Alliance has implemented a promising program for super-utilizer patients that is yielding those results. The first enrolled patient in the super-utilizer program had 21 visits to the ED and more than $80,000 in unreimbursed charges. After enrolling in the super-utilizer project, the patient is regularly seeing a primary care provider and has been to the ED only seven times, with less than $1,000 in unreimbursed charges. The AF4Q-funded project combines the expertise of the established care coordination programs in the Humboldt County community, the Care Transitions Program at St. Joseph Hospital, and the Priority Care program at the Humboldt Del Norte IPA. The programs use unique perspectives and methods to offer patients identified as super-utilizers of the ED a personalized, patient-centered care plan. Learn more here

Other popular Articles:

Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) signature effort to lift the overall quality of health care in targeted communities, reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health care and provide models for national reform. Alliance teams represent the people who get care, give care, and pay for care.
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