Consumers have a unique and important perspective to contribute to health care organizations and multi-stakeholder alliances. However, it can be a challenge to identify when and how to contribute that perspective. It can help to define your role using the person-role-system framework.
Identify your formal and informal roles. Formal roles include serving on consumer advisory boards, steering committees, and work groups.
Informal roles include acting as liaison to groups you influence and sharing insights about consumer needs. You also bring talents and relationships to the table from your role as an advocate or a representative in your “home” organization, as a patient with personal health care experiences, or as a member of your community.
Answer these questions:
• Person: How do your values, beliefs, and experiences help you exercise leadership in quality improvement, access, and/or equity?
• Role: What is your role (formal and informal) in the Alliance? How do you define success?
• System: How do you apply your leadership roles? How have you contributed to AF4Q and influenced decisions? How do you envision doing so in the future?
Work with other Alliance leaders to help you align your authority, roles, and tasks with those of other Alliance leaders. During this conversation, you may ask for help in defining the biggest opportunities and barriers to making contributions to Alliance efforts. You may also better understand how to fulfill your role by identifying the relationships you have with others in their roles.